Request for use of Photographs – Tristan Moss
Dear PNG Chalkies and other ex-servicemen who served in PNG,
I am currently completing my book “Guarding the Periphery: the Australian Army in Papua New Guinea, 1951 – 1975”, which will be published in 2017 with Cambridge University Press. My book explores the formation and growth of the PIR into PNG Command after the Second World War, and examines the process of creating the independent PNGDF. In particular, it examines the problems of raising the PIR, the unit’s operational use during Confrontation, efforts to create a ‘national’ army (through a significant education programme with which you will all be familiar!) and the role the army played in the Territory of PNG at large. The book also devotes a chapter to Papua New Guinean soldiers and to personal and family life in PNG.
The book is based on my PhD thesis, completed at the Australian National University in 2015, and was written with the kind help of a number of Chalkies, as well as many other ex-servicemen, both Australian and Papua New Guinean. I hope it provides an insight into what has become, unfortunately, a little understood but important part of Australia’s military history.
In this it builds on the work already done by groups such as the Chalkies. The photos included on this site without a doubt represent the best collection of images of service in PNG, and I would be keen to include a number from this site in my publication, with full attribution.
Following from Darryl Dymock’s example, and with permission of the webmasters, an opt-out approach will be adopted for the use of the photos. Could you please let me know whether you do NOT want your images used in my publication, as soon as possible? I aim to have the images completed by 30 September 2016.
I would be more than happy to answer any questions regarding the book. I can be contacted at