Sgt Rod Cassidy’s photos

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These photos show activity at 3RTB Singleton, NSW during Recruit Training followed by photos at Moem Barracks, Wewak as well as at Vanimo in 1971

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Final exercise 3RTB Singleton

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Guard Duty Singleton 3RTB

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
3RTB Firing Range, Singleton

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Graduation 3RTB 1970 Singleton

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
E Coy 3RTB Graduation, Singleton NSW

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
List of names E Coy 3RTB Graduation, Singleton NSW

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
2PIR Group Photo – Aug 1971 cartoon

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
2PIR Group Photo = Aug 1971

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Sgt Ian Taylor, Sgt John Humphreys at Wewak

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Sgt Rod Cassidy, Sgt Ian Taylor at Moem

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Sgt Rusty Bates, Sgt Nev Corrie, Sgt Rod Cassidy

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Scotty, Didiman Moem

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Chalkies became the enemy last exercise

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Moem Barracks – home of 2PIR

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Local Village

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
at Wewak

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Caribou on airstrip at Vanimo

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
PIR troops disembarking

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Load out at Vanimo back to Wewak

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Hurcules C41 landing at Vanimo

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Vanimo Mess House Wind – many a beer consumed

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Vanimo Barracks – right on the beachfront

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Uploading stores, Vanimo

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
The footy oval at Vanimo

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Classroom Vanimo 1971

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Refugee Camp at Wutung

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Grave Yard at Wutung 1971

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
WW2 wreck at Maprik in Sepik Valley

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
Flight over the Strickland River Valley 1971

Sgt Rod Cassidy's photos -
The Strickland River in the Highlands
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One comment

  1. Lot of memories came back with the pictures. I was fishing around for material for the July Newsletter of the Hervey Bay Nashos and stumbled on this cache. Thanks for the memories. My experience started with I believe God telling me to shut up about being made the barman for Balcomb Sgts Mess and finished with 18 months in Murray Barracks with the 68/69 intake and the 69/70 intake of chalkies. I got 11 mentions in the Book Chalkes. Hope life has treated you well. God has been good to me.

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