Sgt. John Worthington’s photos

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Sgt. John Worthington's photos -
Goroka Markets
Sgt. John Worthington's photos -
Goroka Markets

01 Planes from a plane
Abandoned WW2 airfield taken from Caribou flying from Wewak to Vanimo

02 Moem
On road between Lae and Goroko

03 House
Village in highlands near Goroko

04 Goroka Market
Goroka Market

Afternoon drinks on Vanimo Base

06 Wantoks
Sgt. Paul Nohou and Sgt. John Worthington on Moem beach

07 Two Pella
Heading into Wewak Saturday morning from Moem

08 One Pella
On road from Wewak

9 Village Scene, early morning, Madang area.
Village Scene, early morning, Madang area.

10 Bois
Village children Madang area

11 Gun Emplacement
A bunker built by the Japanese (looks like one that was close to Mission Hill above Wewak township)

12. Soldier at Wewak Sing-sing.
Soldier at Wewak Sing-sing.

13 Japanese AA Gun at Mission Hill, Wewak
Japanese AA Gun at Mission Hill, Wewak

14 2PIR Band arrives at Wago Wago Village in the Milne Bay area
2PIR Band arrives at Wago Wago Village in the Milne Bay area

15 One of my students, Bau, in Sing-Sing dress
One of my students, Bau, in Sing-Sing dress

16 Dawn Gabugabuna, Milne Bay (Bargesa Beach
Dawn Gabugabuna, Milne Bay (Bargesa Beach) WW2 landing barge (centre screen)

17 A passing parade
Anzac Day service Wewak

18 Early morning canoe sited at Milne Bay
Milne Bay morning

19 Captain James, new 2IC on our boat at Milne Bay District
2PIR Patrol Milne Bay Captain James

20 Soldiers return to barge after a Patrol
Soldiers return to barge after a Patrol

21 A. The Rhythm Section  at 2PIR Wewak PNG
The Rhythm Section at 2PIR Wewak PNG

22 A Sing-Sing soloist! — at 2PIR Wewak PNG
Sing-Sing soloist! — at 2PIR Wewak PNG

23 C. A feast for a King — at 2PIR Wewak PNG
Vanimo ‘fresh fish’ meal on beach weekend

24 D. JW Himself — at 2PIR Wewak PNG
Vanimo Base duty Sgt John Worthington
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  1. Just thought you might be interested to know that “The Moem beach wantok” is sergeant Paul Nohou and currently resides at Murray Bks and also my dad was the bandmaster of the 2PIR band that went for patrol to Milne bay 1973 he has that photo of the barge landing at the beach
    Nice photos.

  2. My first and still vivid memory of John Worthington was at Infantry Training (Singleton) when we acted as ‘Viet Cong’ for E Company and therefore were ‘killed’ about 3 times a day. We were soaked in a fierce storm one night which blew away most of our ‘hoochies’. However John wrapped in his non-army issue SPACE BLANKET was as dry as a bone while the rest of us froze!
    Another memory is my wife Katie and I visiting Wewak on a Doug Rathbone charter and meeting up with John who was based at Moem Bks. I’ve got the ‘slides’ somewhere.

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