1971 Intake Advice


Over the duration of “operation skoolim”, the RAAEC regular staff in PNG improved its procedures for recruitment, training, and induction of National Service Instructors deployed to PNG Command. The document which follows was written from Port Moresby and designed to provide the 1971-72 intake with information and advice about their forthcoming posting as Sergeants and Instructors, three months in advance.
Points of interest include a 2-3 week Induction course, Civics education was compulsory, thongs and T-shirts were not permitted, many sports were available “even Australian Rules”, and a warning not to “have a holiday at the Government’s expense”.
I wish to thank the 1971-72 cohort for sharing this document- no doubt they all took Captain Freeman’s message to heart.
Gregory J. Ivey

1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice - 1971 Intake Advice -

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Frank Cordingley
Frank Cordingley
Articles: 42

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