I came across a story of a Mildura Father intending to meet his PNG Godson and his namesake, the story dated December 2012 about the Medical Team traveling to Eastern Highlands Mr Felton and retired WO2 Elijah Leklek, Rtd who has since passed on.
The editor Mr. Alan Erskine left a footnote if any one knows the whereabouts of Mr Ian Felton Leklek in PNG to establish communication link with him in the intent of connecting the two so Mr. Ian Felton can travel to PNG to meet his Godson and pay his respects to his old friend.
Mr. Ian Felton Leklek’s email address is ileklek@yahoo.com and his contact details are +675 72000144 / +675 78220871
Hi.Martin /Terry..
I was a civvy living in the Sergeants Mess and working at Headquartes,Murray Barracks.from 1967 -1971.
I thoroughly enjoyed my stay there and PNG in general,and was wondering if any of my colleagues have been in touch with you?.I would love to hear from them if so.
Don Shand.(Command Secretary )
Fred Miller (OIC Registry)
Betty Stanton (Registry)
David Templeman (.Personnel)
Tony Aldous(Registry)
Marie Fry.(Cpm)
Also:PNG Sergeants.
Sgt.Jack Barambi.
Sgt.Ivan Tau.
Ideally I would love to do a reunion,or do a revisit to PNG,In particular a tour of Murray Barracks,Boroko.
Thanking you kindly..
Terry Voice. (Maryborough,Queensland.Aust.)
HI Sir,
I am currently working on a lodge adjacent to the mouth of Lakekamu river and putting up a package from the mouth & along Bulldog Track to Wau.
Could you be interested in joint venture partner. Materials (7bedroom Fabricated)for the lodge is at the project site and I am looking at additional Fabricated 16 bedroom to put up a reasonable and affordable accommodation for purpose of reviving a valuable forgotten history.
I am also thinking to write to Australian Government to seriously look at putting a monument the young brave Kanga Force soldiers brought much need support of food and ammunition and rescued injuried soldiers on their return.
We PNG chalkies had a ‘pretty good war’ didn’t we? Yet at the same time was SVN where others, including my brother, a nasho infrantryman, had completely different experiences. We were the lucky ones! Yet despite our vastly different Army experiences, my brother and I remain the best of mates.
I was an education sgt at Murray Barracks 1971-72. After my wife [Vicki] arrived in PNG, we lived in a flat at Bisini Parade Boroko [I have a photo of it] along with the Boddingtons, Halls & Rathbones. An ancient ‘visitors book’ of the time includes the following surnames: Wellman, Stewart, Johnston, Tanswell, Malter, Russell, Buffier, Sibson, Schippman & Standish. The door knob of our flat was regularly ‘tested’ by potential intruders.
Nevertheless my memories of PNG are positive. I can send you some recollections if you want.
I was a poor teacher and after National Service, I retrained as an ecologist and eventually retired from the NSW public service as a research scientist.
Cheers, Bill (‘Jim’) Semple
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Chalkie retirees. Your photos and stories of your time in PNG would be gratefully received. These items show the history of our nearest neighbour, 40 or more years ago. It is GOLD!
Welcome again,
Do u remember the number of those flats on Bisini Parade. We were there from 1970-1972 the only ones not Nashos. It was a block of 8. Looking at the pics. We lived next to Gerry & Carol Keegan on ground floor.
Just came across a photo of the Russell’s.
TIA Anne & Kurt Elsner.
I was a “chalkie” in the 1971 National Service intake from Adelaide, SA. My recruit training was at Puckapunyal. From there, having been placed in the Education Corps, I was selected, with two others, to be sent to Igam Barracks, Lae. This early appointment to PNG and promotion as a sergeant to a Military Cadet School for the PIR, required the completion of infantry training at Singleton, NSW. After a period at Igam Barracks I was transferred to Murray Barracks, Port Moresby at the end of 1971. Completed my National Service at Murray Barracks, after a 6 month extension due to the Whitlam Govt. provisions. Discharged 27th July, 1973.
Resumed teaching with the SA Education Department in 1973. In 1981 appointed as the Principal of Craigmore Christian School. Served in this role for 25 years to end of 2005. Completed a Doctorate in 2006 and continue in the field of Christian Education as an Education Consultant.
Hi George, thanks for your information. If you would like to be listed on the Members Page of this website, or would like to contact some of your Igam/Murray mates, please Email me (see my address above).
I was a nasho chalky in PNG based at Murray Barracks from Jan. 72 until Gough let us out in Dec. 72. For the last few months shared a house with Murray Gough at the University and played Hockey with Eddy Mangano. I went into basic training from Victoria but called up in Tasmania.
Hello Alan and thanks for your message. You were at Murray some time after my short time there. I plan to Email you later this month to invite you to join our Chalkies Network. Keep an eye on the Home Page for news about Chalkie reunions.
I would like to be included in list of those who served in Papua New Guinea. My tenure was 1966-67 at Murray Barracks, POM. Have previously made contact with Terry Edwin-smith earlier this year. Thanks BLH.
Bruce, thanks for your message. Please Email me (see above) with detail of your Corps and the State from which you were Called-up (Victoria?).
Could you please make available a full register of all PNG Nasho names, addresses and phone numbers as you now have them. I’m sure some of us will be able to update information or chase it up to pass on to the official register. Great job you guys!
Andrew, we are writing a policy at present on release of Chalkie names etc. That will probably be available next month. In the meantime, we very much welcome offers to chase up other Chalkies who can be added to our register.
I was in the third intake of February 1966 and posted to 800 Sig Sqn as a technician at Murray Barracks in December 1966 and was there for a year before discharge in December 1967.
I far as I remember, there was only one other nasho in the our Squadron and no-one in other Corps at the base except for some nasho teachers.
Had a good time there with many memorable moments, but was glad to come home.
John, good to have contact from another Sig. We have some listed on our Members Page but you were one of the early Nashos. You can email me directly (see above) if you have stories or photos to share from that time.
I was in Wewak 68/69. Now retired living in Surrey Hills. Have lots of memories of civic action in Vanimo and new Ireland and the surf off a bush track near Moem. Good luck with with the reunion and the web page.
I can’t be there – too many things on. I wrote earlier this year but can’t see the post!!?
Roger, we must have met during the Chalkies change-over at Moem in 1969. Sorry but please re-send your post to me (see address above).
If you have stories and/or photos of your Patrols they would be welcome.
I was posted to Murray Barracks in late Sept ’67 then to Moem Bks in October that year. In early 1968 I was transferred to IPIR at Taurama Bks and remained there until transferred out to Victoria Bks ( Melbourne) at the end of the year. Had a great time and lots of fond memories of my time as a chalkie. I look forward to the Oct 6 reunion in Brisbane.
Ian Hodder
Thanks Ian. Maybe we can compare notes about those 3 places. Although I only spent 2 days at Taurama the food was “memorable”.
To former soldiers serving in TPNG prior to Independence,
Yes, a re-union is planned for the 6th October 2012 from 10am- 4pm at the Kedron-Wavell RSL, Hamilton Rd, Chermside, Brisbane. Some interesting guest speakers are planned but the real activity will be catching up on ‘lost colleagues’ living both locally and interstate. Whilst a group of 20 or so locals met last year, (we have been meeting annually since 2003) at least as many interstate chalkies and their wives are coming and have made reservations at local hotels and motels. 2012 is shaping up as the ‘First National Chalkies Re-union’ because the interest is so great. Presently 105 nasho chalkies are on the e-mail list, so big things are expected.
Hope that you with your wives (and your mates) are able to attend,
Hi there,
Interested in all your research, I had virtually forgotten that I’d been there in 1972 as an Instructor. It seems a distant memory, I wonder what happened to Frank Nolan. We were at Goldie River in 1972.
Hi Phil, thanks for your comment. Someone may know where Frank is now, hopefully. I invite you to Email me (see Email address above) and tell me more about your time at Goldie.
Hi Phil. (and Jim)
Just unreal that you can pick up the SENIOR News and find an article on “Chalkies” and then when I get “on-line” find that Phil O’Shea wants to talk cricket. Goldie River was a great experience for the 12 months we were there before Whitlam came to power. Phil, I’m living in Bendigo after a teaching career of 40+ years. Yes, watching the Indian test at the moment.
Frank, I have sent you an Email before I read your comment above.
We are interested in your Goldie experiences if you wish to share your stories or photos (maybe cricket stories). I know of two other Chalkies in Bendigo.
Please feel free to email us.
From this blog, if that’s the correct terminology, the PNG Nashos movement is no longer largely confined to the Eastern States, nor to just the Education Corp – ref. Ted Middleton’s comments. That’s refreshing and adds even further momentum. Put us two (Sharon and I) down as a yes to the reunion 6th October.
Thanks, Greg you are spot on. The website is meant to be inclusive. Look forward to seeing you & Sharon on October 6.
Chalkies are asked to advise Terry or Ian (see Email addresses above) of their interest in being at the First National Reunion of Chalkies.
Denis and Jim,
Please refer any Nashos to our website. We are anxious to make contact with any Nashos who served in PNG during the years 1966-75. This is their webpage!
1971-74 RAAEC at Taurama, Goldie River and a couple of short stints at Moem. Transferred to ARA in July 73 and took another 19 years to figure out how to get out. Finished up in RASigs doing IT stuff. Rejoined Reserve in 2008 and continuing to work a couple of days a week mostly from home. PNG is a very fond memory. Met some wonderful people and had even more fun. Lived in Canberra for the last 23 years. Will try to make the October meet in Brisbane. Presently in contact with Jim Connolly, Kev McLoughlin and Terry Whelan.
I think Denis from Taurama and I were the only ones to seek permanent commissions as RAAEC LTs after “Nasho”. Fond memories of the detachment with Denis and 2LT Ken Bremner (OTU Grad) to 2PIR at Moem Bks in 1974.
I just noted your comment about chalkies taking permanent commissions as RAAEC Lts after Nasho. I am absolutely certain that one of the chalkies at the Military Cadet School at Igam Barracks became a Captain in RAAEC in mid 1971. He signed on for three years. I cannot for the life of me remember his name but I recall all us chalkies congratulating him.
Names and memories just keep popping out!!!. Wasn’t Peter Blackburn by any chance? Murray Gough and I also were accepted for DE Commissions.
In 1972 I was posted along with 3 other cooks from the Keswick Barracks in Adelaide to PNG with 4 Field Survey Squadron. We set up base on the side of the Goroka airstrip. Phil Hoskins was also a nasho and Kev Shorrock a corporal from the Woodside Barracks. We had an incredible 3 months cooking on petrol powered stoves with 6 or 7 local boys helping us out on each shift while the Sqadron mapped .
Thanks Jim, I am pleased to hear from Nashos in different Corps. If you want to join the Members Page or send any photos, please email me (see Contacts page of this website). Otherwise, please spread the word about this PNG Nashos website.
I was in the first batch of teacher Nashos to arrive in Moresby in August 1966.. Had a couple of days at Murray Barracks, which included a sightseeing tour, led by Major Dacks, around Moresby and surrounds: we stopped in Hanuabada where the Major strongly advised “Men, if you feel that way inclined, it’s safer to go behind a tree and m……..). Posted to Goldie River for the next 14 months. where our hut was still being built as we sat around watching some very deft weaving but very clumsy hammer and nail work. Not much of the old camp left there in 2007, when I was there for the Kokoda walk. Still a beautiful country with so much potential, but oh so messed up.
Taim mi go pinis long Goldie, I returned to Melbourne and was immediately roped in for duty as discharge clerk at Southern Command Personnel Depot for the 3rd Intake Nashos finishing their terms.
No regrets whatever about my New Guinea experience
Hi John
Thanks for your message. Please Email us (see Address above)also so we can maintain contact with you.There are a number of Goldie & other Chalkies interested in your early days there. Having also done the Kokoda Trek (in 2005) I would like to swap war stories. A Chalkies Reunion is being held on October 6 in Brisbane.
I was at Moem Barracks in the 68 – 69 intake. I have returned a number of times to Wewak and visited the barracks, as well as travelling up the Sepik by canoe and taking a school group to assist Maprik High School. I have very happy memories of my time in PNG with our group of Chalkies, heading off on our motor bikes into the jungle.
I have lived at Terrigal on the Central Coast of NSW since returning.
It’s great that you have made contact! I believe that another ‘chalkie’ lives near you at Terrigal. We are well on the way to finding the 300 or so ‘chalkies’ who served during conscription in PNG. Hopefully you might know others who served with you during your time in the Territory. Stories and photos are most welcome!
Greg I emailed you on this but will post it here too. I see the title of the site is nashospng so I guess includes Nasho’s from all Corps, not just education. Unfortunately it appears to be poorly known that Nasho’s were well represented in PNG or (TPNG as it was at the time) in both Sigs and RAE, not just education. I must admit that the fact that this appears to go unnoticed gets up my nose a bit..
800 Sigs Squadron and TPNG Construction Squadron were at Murray Barracks when I was there with 800 Sigs in 1970. Our role as Sigs included training Pacific Islanders, maintaining communication on the Command Net with Lae, Wewak, Vanimo and Melbourne on seperate frequencies. We were involved in civic action patrols, maintaining all communications equipment in TPNG Command, establishing and maintaining communication during the period of civil unrest on New Ireland, and other roles.
I now live in Manjimup WA and do have some pics from that era if they are of any interest, assuming that history of Sigs and Sappers is inclusive here.
Ted, I have sent you an email suggesting you write an Article with photos on the role of Nasho Sigs in TPNG, for the Articles page of this website.
Hi all,
I was among the first group who were dropped into Watsonia Barracks Sergeant’s mess having just sewn on our stripes at age 20. You should have seen the looks on the faces in the mess. It was something to behold, as was the temperature difference when we got off the plane in PNG in our winter uniforms.
Most of us lived at Murray Barracks and, eventually, were roped in to running the Sergeant’s Mess, playing in the darts team and generally undermining the good discipline of Col Kahn. Nicknames of those involved were Mango (Collingwood supporter), Gibbo (wanted to buy a Merc sports on return to Oz; also science whizz), Pedro (our bespoke hair stylist with one style – No. 1 all over), Macca (guitar player and smoker extraordinaire), Benson (tech teacher), and there were probably others but I’m 67 today so I can claim old-timer’s memory.
I live in Canberra now and have recently recovered some of my slides from what was euphemistically called ‘a civic action’ patrol into the Western Districts via the Fly River.
Fortunately Danny Winkle never convinced me to go on one of his ‘guided tours’.
I’m happy to hear from anyone who’s interested.
Graham, good to read about your revolutionary activities at HQ; and about your mates in crime. Your slides and stories could be valuable to us so I’ll Email you shortly.
I was a Nasho Sgt at Goldie River from mid 1971 through to mid 1972. We lived in Port Morseby in a set of flats with several other married Chalkies who worked at Murray Barracks.
As Science teacher I had more work with the soldiers rather than teaching English to the recruits.
Glenn, good to read your comment. Hope you enjoy the photos and the articles on Goldie River already on this website (see Journals page). We have published also the experiences of one Army wife in TPNG. We will soon publish a review of the book about Army wives from the 1950s onward “Taim Bilong Missus”.
Hi Glenn,
I think we were in the same block of units in Bisini Parade, Boroko, with:
Ann and Doug Rathbone
Bob and Kate Strachan
Jim and Mrs Semple
I look forward to catching up.
Taught tropical agriculture to PNG soldiers at Moem Barracks, Wewak during 1969/70.
With a B Agr Sci, I had the unusual role of teaching tropical agriculture to PNG soldiers at Moem Barracks, Wewak (2 PIR) during 1969/70. I was only the second one in that role.
In Sep 2007, I walked the Kokoda Track with my 2 sons and was then able to make an overnight trip to Wewak. I was driven around Wewak and Moem Barracks, including the Sergeant’s Mess and the remains of the Education Centre (destroyed by rioting soldiers sometime). I think Boyd Robertson may have already sent some photos of mine from the 2007 visit.
I currently live at Rutherglen in NE Victoria.
Greg, thanks for outlining your unusual but valuable role in broadening the education of the future citizens and village leaders of PNG in tropical agricultural practices.
The riot which destroyed much of the Education Building and other buildings may have been caused partly by soldiers’ dissatisfaction with the pay levels. Can anyone shed light on that riot?
Greg – at last a fellow didiman – love to catch up some time. Thanks for confirming the burning down of the Educ Centre – I had googled it and thought so. I have lots of photos from 72 – 74 and would like to see some of yours. I have scanned all mine so can make them available on disk/memory stick.
The bloke before me was first name Rory but I can’t remember his surname. Came from Vic too, I think) so that’s 3 didimen – I would guess there was probably only 5 of us??
Hi Martin
My name is Barry Arnold and I served at Moem 68-69.
I can tell you that the Didiman at Moem at that time was Peter Schroeder.
Was he the first?
Peter’s name is on Terry’s list of Chalkies, even though he was not a teacher in PNG.
Grahame, thanks for your comment. If you supply us with a Story from your Chalkie experience, and possibly photos, then we can consider how best to publish it and attract the attention of other Chalkies from Murray Barracks.
Hi, I was a Chalkie at Murray Bks. from October 1967 to late 1968. I remember that time very well and after discharge Joined Bougainville Copper where I stayed until late 1975. Would love to hear from anyone interested in geting back in touch. I am now living in Goulburn NSW.
you may find some chalkies in our group ..i did run into one a month ago and he maybe at our perth reunion in june ..a guy called McCluod maybe spelt different
you will see reunion details on our website ..ill wait to hear from you and see if you want me to add a link on or site for you contact me bomac51@optusnet.com.au..ps i help in anzac house perth in memberships ..cheers bob
Looking for Hedley Ellis, can anyone help ??
Ray, Yes, Hedley Ellis is a blast from the past. Last saw him at Taurama Bks in 1968.
Sorry that I have no further information. Best regards, T.
17th to 19th OCTOBER
National Reunion Itinerary.
Monday 17th, 16:00 (Qld Time) Barefoot Bowls
Broadbeach Bowls Club, Surf Pde. ($10 each)
18:30 Dinner (BBC)
Tuesday 18th 13:00 Lunch
Southport RSL Lounge.
Dinner Kurrawa Surf Lifesaving Club 18:30
Wednesday 19th Morning Tea 10:00
Kurrawa Surf Lifesaving Club.
Dinner 18:30 BBClub, Surf Pde.
Hi Sir’s
I came across a story of a Mildura Father intending to meet his PNG Godson and his namesake, the story dated December 2012 about the Medical Team traveling to Eastern Highlands Mr Felton and retired WO2 Elijah Leklek, Rtd who has since passed on.
The editor Mr. Alan Erskine left a footnote if any one knows the whereabouts of Mr Ian Felton Leklek in PNG to establish communication link with him in the intent of connecting the two so Mr. Ian Felton can travel to PNG to meet his Godson and pay his respects to his old friend.
Mr. Ian Felton Leklek’s email address is ileklek@yahoo.com and his contact details are +675 72000144 / +675 78220871
I sent an email to Mr. Erskine but it bounced back, his email address alan.erskine@milduraweekly.com.au
Best Regards,
Hi.Martin /Terry..
I was a civvy living in the Sergeants Mess and working at Headquartes,Murray Barracks.from 1967 -1971.
I thoroughly enjoyed my stay there and PNG in general,and was wondering if any of my colleagues have been in touch with you?.I would love to hear from them if so.
Don Shand.(Command Secretary )
Fred Miller (OIC Registry)
Betty Stanton (Registry)
David Templeman (.Personnel)
Tony Aldous(Registry)
Marie Fry.(Cpm)
Also:PNG Sergeants.
Sgt.Jack Barambi.
Sgt.Ivan Tau.
Ideally I would love to do a reunion,or do a revisit to PNG,In particular a tour of Murray Barracks,Boroko.
Thanking you kindly..
Terry Voice. (Maryborough,Queensland.Aust.)
HI Sir,
I am currently working on a lodge adjacent to the mouth of Lakekamu river and putting up a package from the mouth & along Bulldog Track to Wau.
Could you be interested in joint venture partner. Materials (7bedroom Fabricated)for the lodge is at the project site and I am looking at additional Fabricated 16 bedroom to put up a reasonable and affordable accommodation for purpose of reviving a valuable forgotten history.
I am also thinking to write to Australian Government to seriously look at putting a monument the young brave Kanga Force soldiers brought much need support of food and ammunition and rescued injuried soldiers on their return.
We PNG chalkies had a ‘pretty good war’ didn’t we? Yet at the same time was SVN where others, including my brother, a nasho infrantryman, had completely different experiences. We were the lucky ones! Yet despite our vastly different Army experiences, my brother and I remain the best of mates.
I was an education sgt at Murray Barracks 1971-72. After my wife [Vicki] arrived in PNG, we lived in a flat at Bisini Parade Boroko [I have a photo of it] along with the Boddingtons, Halls & Rathbones. An ancient ‘visitors book’ of the time includes the following surnames: Wellman, Stewart, Johnston, Tanswell, Malter, Russell, Buffier, Sibson, Schippman & Standish. The door knob of our flat was regularly ‘tested’ by potential intruders.
Nevertheless my memories of PNG are positive. I can send you some recollections if you want.
I was a poor teacher and after National Service, I retrained as an ecologist and eventually retired from the NSW public service as a research scientist.
Cheers, Bill (‘Jim’) Semple
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Chalkie retirees. Your photos and stories of your time in PNG would be gratefully received. These items show the history of our nearest neighbour, 40 or more years ago. It is GOLD!
Welcome again,
Do u remember the number of those flats on Bisini Parade. We were there from 1970-1972 the only ones not Nashos. It was a block of 8. Looking at the pics. We lived next to Gerry & Carol Keegan on ground floor.
Just came across a photo of the Russell’s.
TIA Anne & Kurt Elsner.
I was a “chalkie” in the 1971 National Service intake from Adelaide, SA. My recruit training was at Puckapunyal. From there, having been placed in the Education Corps, I was selected, with two others, to be sent to Igam Barracks, Lae. This early appointment to PNG and promotion as a sergeant to a Military Cadet School for the PIR, required the completion of infantry training at Singleton, NSW. After a period at Igam Barracks I was transferred to Murray Barracks, Port Moresby at the end of 1971. Completed my National Service at Murray Barracks, after a 6 month extension due to the Whitlam Govt. provisions. Discharged 27th July, 1973.
Resumed teaching with the SA Education Department in 1973. In 1981 appointed as the Principal of Craigmore Christian School. Served in this role for 25 years to end of 2005. Completed a Doctorate in 2006 and continue in the field of Christian Education as an Education Consultant.
Hi George, thanks for your information. If you would like to be listed on the Members Page of this website, or would like to contact some of your Igam/Murray mates, please Email me (see my address above).
I was a nasho chalky in PNG based at Murray Barracks from Jan. 72 until Gough let us out in Dec. 72. For the last few months shared a house with Murray Gough at the University and played Hockey with Eddy Mangano. I went into basic training from Victoria but called up in Tasmania.
Hello Alan and thanks for your message. You were at Murray some time after my short time there. I plan to Email you later this month to invite you to join our Chalkies Network. Keep an eye on the Home Page for news about Chalkie reunions.
I would like to be included in list of those who served in Papua New Guinea. My tenure was 1966-67 at Murray Barracks, POM. Have previously made contact with Terry Edwin-smith earlier this year. Thanks BLH.
Bruce, thanks for your message. Please Email me (see above) with detail of your Corps and the State from which you were Called-up (Victoria?).
Could you please make available a full register of all PNG Nasho names, addresses and phone numbers as you now have them. I’m sure some of us will be able to update information or chase it up to pass on to the official register. Great job you guys!
Andrew, we are writing a policy at present on release of Chalkie names etc. That will probably be available next month. In the meantime, we very much welcome offers to chase up other Chalkies who can be added to our register.
I was in the third intake of February 1966 and posted to 800 Sig Sqn as a technician at Murray Barracks in December 1966 and was there for a year before discharge in December 1967.
I far as I remember, there was only one other nasho in the our Squadron and no-one in other Corps at the base except for some nasho teachers.
Had a good time there with many memorable moments, but was glad to come home.
John, good to have contact from another Sig. We have some listed on our Members Page but you were one of the early Nashos. You can email me directly (see above) if you have stories or photos to share from that time.
I was in Wewak 68/69. Now retired living in Surrey Hills. Have lots of memories of civic action in Vanimo and new Ireland and the surf off a bush track near Moem. Good luck with with the reunion and the web page.
I can’t be there – too many things on. I wrote earlier this year but can’t see the post!!?
Roger, we must have met during the Chalkies change-over at Moem in 1969. Sorry but please re-send your post to me (see address above).
If you have stories and/or photos of your Patrols they would be welcome.
I was posted to Murray Barracks in late Sept ’67 then to Moem Bks in October that year. In early 1968 I was transferred to IPIR at Taurama Bks and remained there until transferred out to Victoria Bks ( Melbourne) at the end of the year. Had a great time and lots of fond memories of my time as a chalkie. I look forward to the Oct 6 reunion in Brisbane.
Ian Hodder
Thanks Ian. Maybe we can compare notes about those 3 places. Although I only spent 2 days at Taurama the food was “memorable”.
To former soldiers serving in TPNG prior to Independence,
Yes, a re-union is planned for the 6th October 2012 from 10am- 4pm at the Kedron-Wavell RSL, Hamilton Rd, Chermside, Brisbane. Some interesting guest speakers are planned but the real activity will be catching up on ‘lost colleagues’ living both locally and interstate. Whilst a group of 20 or so locals met last year, (we have been meeting annually since 2003) at least as many interstate chalkies and their wives are coming and have made reservations at local hotels and motels. 2012 is shaping up as the ‘First National Chalkies Re-union’ because the interest is so great. Presently 105 nasho chalkies are on the e-mail list, so big things are expected.
Hope that you with your wives (and your mates) are able to attend,
Hi there,
Interested in all your research, I had virtually forgotten that I’d been there in 1972 as an Instructor. It seems a distant memory, I wonder what happened to Frank Nolan. We were at Goldie River in 1972.
Hi Phil, thanks for your comment. Someone may know where Frank is now, hopefully. I invite you to Email me (see Email address above) and tell me more about your time at Goldie.
Hi Phil. (and Jim)
Just unreal that you can pick up the SENIOR News and find an article on “Chalkies” and then when I get “on-line” find that Phil O’Shea wants to talk cricket. Goldie River was a great experience for the 12 months we were there before Whitlam came to power. Phil, I’m living in Bendigo after a teaching career of 40+ years. Yes, watching the Indian test at the moment.
Frank, I have sent you an Email before I read your comment above.
We are interested in your Goldie experiences if you wish to share your stories or photos (maybe cricket stories). I know of two other Chalkies in Bendigo.
Please feel free to email us.
From this blog, if that’s the correct terminology, the PNG Nashos movement is no longer largely confined to the Eastern States, nor to just the Education Corp – ref. Ted Middleton’s comments. That’s refreshing and adds even further momentum. Put us two (Sharon and I) down as a yes to the reunion 6th October.
Thanks, Greg you are spot on. The website is meant to be inclusive. Look forward to seeing you & Sharon on October 6.
Chalkies are asked to advise Terry or Ian (see Email addresses above) of their interest in being at the First National Reunion of Chalkies.
Denis and Jim,
Please refer any Nashos to our website. We are anxious to make contact with any Nashos who served in PNG during the years 1966-75. This is their webpage!
1971-74 RAAEC at Taurama, Goldie River and a couple of short stints at Moem. Transferred to ARA in July 73 and took another 19 years to figure out how to get out. Finished up in RASigs doing IT stuff. Rejoined Reserve in 2008 and continuing to work a couple of days a week mostly from home. PNG is a very fond memory. Met some wonderful people and had even more fun. Lived in Canberra for the last 23 years. Will try to make the October meet in Brisbane. Presently in contact with Jim Connolly, Kev McLoughlin and Terry Whelan.
I think Denis from Taurama and I were the only ones to seek permanent commissions as RAAEC LTs after “Nasho”. Fond memories of the detachment with Denis and 2LT Ken Bremner (OTU Grad) to 2PIR at Moem Bks in 1974.
I just noted your comment about chalkies taking permanent commissions as RAAEC Lts after Nasho. I am absolutely certain that one of the chalkies at the Military Cadet School at Igam Barracks became a Captain in RAAEC in mid 1971. He signed on for three years. I cannot for the life of me remember his name but I recall all us chalkies congratulating him.
Names and memories just keep popping out!!!. Wasn’t Peter Blackburn by any chance? Murray Gough and I also were accepted for DE Commissions.
In 1972 I was posted along with 3 other cooks from the Keswick Barracks in Adelaide to PNG with 4 Field Survey Squadron. We set up base on the side of the Goroka airstrip. Phil Hoskins was also a nasho and Kev Shorrock a corporal from the Woodside Barracks. We had an incredible 3 months cooking on petrol powered stoves with 6 or 7 local boys helping us out on each shift while the Sqadron mapped .
Thanks Jim, I am pleased to hear from Nashos in different Corps. If you want to join the Members Page or send any photos, please email me (see Contacts page of this website). Otherwise, please spread the word about this PNG Nashos website.
I was in the first batch of teacher Nashos to arrive in Moresby in August 1966.. Had a couple of days at Murray Barracks, which included a sightseeing tour, led by Major Dacks, around Moresby and surrounds: we stopped in Hanuabada where the Major strongly advised “Men, if you feel that way inclined, it’s safer to go behind a tree and m……..). Posted to Goldie River for the next 14 months. where our hut was still being built as we sat around watching some very deft weaving but very clumsy hammer and nail work. Not much of the old camp left there in 2007, when I was there for the Kokoda walk. Still a beautiful country with so much potential, but oh so messed up.
Taim mi go pinis long Goldie, I returned to Melbourne and was immediately roped in for duty as discharge clerk at Southern Command Personnel Depot for the 3rd Intake Nashos finishing their terms.
No regrets whatever about my New Guinea experience
Hi John
Thanks for your message. Please Email us (see Address above)also so we can maintain contact with you.There are a number of Goldie & other Chalkies interested in your early days there. Having also done the Kokoda Trek (in 2005) I would like to swap war stories. A Chalkies Reunion is being held on October 6 in Brisbane.
I was at Moem Barracks in the 68 – 69 intake. I have returned a number of times to Wewak and visited the barracks, as well as travelling up the Sepik by canoe and taking a school group to assist Maprik High School. I have very happy memories of my time in PNG with our group of Chalkies, heading off on our motor bikes into the jungle.
I have lived at Terrigal on the Central Coast of NSW since returning.
It’s great that you have made contact! I believe that another ‘chalkie’ lives near you at Terrigal. We are well on the way to finding the 300 or so ‘chalkies’ who served during conscription in PNG. Hopefully you might know others who served with you during your time in the Territory. Stories and photos are most welcome!
Greg I emailed you on this but will post it here too. I see the title of the site is nashospng so I guess includes Nasho’s from all Corps, not just education. Unfortunately it appears to be poorly known that Nasho’s were well represented in PNG or (TPNG as it was at the time) in both Sigs and RAE, not just education. I must admit that the fact that this appears to go unnoticed gets up my nose a bit..
800 Sigs Squadron and TPNG Construction Squadron were at Murray Barracks when I was there with 800 Sigs in 1970. Our role as Sigs included training Pacific Islanders, maintaining communication on the Command Net with Lae, Wewak, Vanimo and Melbourne on seperate frequencies. We were involved in civic action patrols, maintaining all communications equipment in TPNG Command, establishing and maintaining communication during the period of civil unrest on New Ireland, and other roles.
I now live in Manjimup WA and do have some pics from that era if they are of any interest, assuming that history of Sigs and Sappers is inclusive here.
Ted, I have sent you an email suggesting you write an Article with photos on the role of Nasho Sigs in TPNG, for the Articles page of this website.
Hi all,
I was among the first group who were dropped into Watsonia Barracks Sergeant’s mess having just sewn on our stripes at age 20. You should have seen the looks on the faces in the mess. It was something to behold, as was the temperature difference when we got off the plane in PNG in our winter uniforms.
Most of us lived at Murray Barracks and, eventually, were roped in to running the Sergeant’s Mess, playing in the darts team and generally undermining the good discipline of Col Kahn. Nicknames of those involved were Mango (Collingwood supporter), Gibbo (wanted to buy a Merc sports on return to Oz; also science whizz), Pedro (our bespoke hair stylist with one style – No. 1 all over), Macca (guitar player and smoker extraordinaire), Benson (tech teacher), and there were probably others but I’m 67 today so I can claim old-timer’s memory.
I live in Canberra now and have recently recovered some of my slides from what was euphemistically called ‘a civic action’ patrol into the Western Districts via the Fly River.
Fortunately Danny Winkle never convinced me to go on one of his ‘guided tours’.
I’m happy to hear from anyone who’s interested.
Graham, good to read about your revolutionary activities at HQ; and about your mates in crime. Your slides and stories could be valuable to us so I’ll Email you shortly.
I was a Nasho Sgt at Goldie River from mid 1971 through to mid 1972. We lived in Port Morseby in a set of flats with several other married Chalkies who worked at Murray Barracks.
As Science teacher I had more work with the soldiers rather than teaching English to the recruits.
Glenn, good to read your comment. Hope you enjoy the photos and the articles on Goldie River already on this website (see Journals page). We have published also the experiences of one Army wife in TPNG. We will soon publish a review of the book about Army wives from the 1950s onward “Taim Bilong Missus”.
Hi Glenn,
I think we were in the same block of units in Bisini Parade, Boroko, with:
Ann and Doug Rathbone
Bob and Kate Strachan
Jim and Mrs Semple
I look forward to catching up.
Taught tropical agriculture to PNG soldiers at Moem Barracks, Wewak during 1969/70.
With a B Agr Sci, I had the unusual role of teaching tropical agriculture to PNG soldiers at Moem Barracks, Wewak (2 PIR) during 1969/70. I was only the second one in that role.
In Sep 2007, I walked the Kokoda Track with my 2 sons and was then able to make an overnight trip to Wewak. I was driven around Wewak and Moem Barracks, including the Sergeant’s Mess and the remains of the Education Centre (destroyed by rioting soldiers sometime). I think Boyd Robertson may have already sent some photos of mine from the 2007 visit.
I currently live at Rutherglen in NE Victoria.
Greg, thanks for outlining your unusual but valuable role in broadening the education of the future citizens and village leaders of PNG in tropical agricultural practices.
The riot which destroyed much of the Education Building and other buildings may have been caused partly by soldiers’ dissatisfaction with the pay levels. Can anyone shed light on that riot?
Greg – at last a fellow didiman – love to catch up some time. Thanks for confirming the burning down of the Educ Centre – I had googled it and thought so. I have lots of photos from 72 – 74 and would like to see some of yours. I have scanned all mine so can make them available on disk/memory stick.
The bloke before me was first name Rory but I can’t remember his surname. Came from Vic too, I think) so that’s 3 didimen – I would guess there was probably only 5 of us??
Hi Martin
My name is Barry Arnold and I served at Moem 68-69.
I can tell you that the Didiman at Moem at that time was Peter Schroeder.
Was he the first?
Peter’s name is on Terry’s list of Chalkies, even though he was not a teacher in PNG.
Grahame, thanks for your comment. If you supply us with a Story from your Chalkie experience, and possibly photos, then we can consider how best to publish it and attract the attention of other Chalkies from Murray Barracks.
Hi, I was a Chalkie at Murray Bks. from October 1967 to late 1968. I remember that time very well and after discharge Joined Bougainville Copper where I stayed until late 1975. Would love to hear from anyone interested in geting back in touch. I am now living in Goulburn NSW.
Nashos WA are on website http://wanashos.wikidot.com/
you may find some chalkies in our group ..i did run into one a month ago and he maybe at our perth reunion in june ..a guy called McCluod maybe spelt different
you will see reunion details on our website ..ill wait to hear from you and see if you want me to add a link on or site for you contact me bomac51@optusnet.com.au..ps i help in anzac house perth in memberships ..cheers bob