Back Cover
001 Sergeants’ Mess ” Haus Win”. 1966
002 View from Max’s bedroom during Monsoon season, to reef opposite Sergeants’ Mess 1966.
003 Max water skiing in front Sgts Mess, Vanimo.
004 Laurie with Lt Kenneally and Lt Franklin offshore at Vanimo base, 1966.
005 Off to Brandi beach for body surfing- Laurie in the lead, Rick, John and Max to the right.
006 New Married Quarters for ORs, taken from the water tower. (Muschu Island in the background) 1966.
007 Bombed Japanese Airstrip near Aitape in 1966.
008 Meeting the locals on patrol near Telefomin, 1966.
009 Wewak looking out to sea, taken from a Caribou coming in to land at Wewak.
010 Caribou, the Army’s aerial workhorse. Landing at Wewak Landing at Wewak for a patrol 1966.
011 Four Army Medals awarded to the Nasho Six for service in TPNG 1966-67.
012 Soldiers playing baseball on the Pagei landing strip while waiting for the Caribou to arrive.
013 Rabaul AFL Carnival 1967.
014 Max having a cold water shave on patrol along the Indonesian border.
015 Original Education Centre 1966.
016 John outside the newly built Education Centre, late 1966.
017 Rick dressed up for ” Pacific Night” in the Sgts Mess.
018 Max in action with Rick in the Wewak v Madang AFL game 1967.
019 Moem Peninisular, TPNG. Sgts Mess on the shoreline centre-left. Source:
020 L to R: The new NASHO Sergeants, Moem Barracks 1966; Max Quanchi (in Duty Sergeant uniform), Peter Suna, Rick Larsen, (not that short, as he is kneeling) Bob Mason, and John Sweeney (front). Absent: Laurie Bowman who was away with B Coy at Vanimo Camp.
021 Laurie Bowman, back at Moem, and in his new PIR uniform (but without regulation leather belt and PIR insignia buckle).
022 Peter Suna, Enlistment photograph 1966
023 Peter Suna, finally in full PIR dress uniform, Moem Barracks, TPNG 1966
024 Peter’s record of the compulsory X Ray all conscripts took prior to basic training. Peter had his X Ray in November 1965 and entered recruit training in January 1966.
025 Three gunners at firing range (Laurie, Max and Bob). Victor Harbour, South Australia, June 1966.
026 Max and Laurie, Woodside Army base, SA, June 1966.
027 Peter’s medical record indicating cholera shots prior to leaving Australia and then subsequent checks by the RMO at 2PIR.
028 Rick coming out of ablutions block, Sgts Mess, 1966.
029 The new buildings, Moem Barracks, late 1967.
030 Rick at the freshwater creek on the beach walk to the Catholic Mission, Vanimo 1966.
031 John relaxing in his donga,1966.
032 The Sgts Mess housing “sak-sak” row: each door led to two rooms. 1966.
033 Map of Moem Barracks camp sent home by Max to his parents, October 1966.
034 Map sent home by Max showing the route on a Yachting adventure during a Christmas holiday visit to Rabaul with Pete in 1966.
035 Front row of sergeants’ sleeping quarters, taken from the haus win. 1966.
036 Peter’s PIR belt (with PIR insignia buckle) PIR beret (faded) and four Service Medals.
037 Tony Hedland (a Chalkie in the second cohort) wedding party, 1967.
038 Rick heading from his donga to the communal showers. Haus win in the background. 1966.
039 Education Centre, May 1966. Office to the front (left), teaching space at rear (right).
040 Front cover of the Newsletter Max produced in his role as Moem Barracks Sports Officer. Printed on the Education Centre gestetner duplicating machine.
041 Laurie Bowman, RSM Daryl Howells and Peter Suna, in front of the Sgts Mess, 1967.
042 A framed photograph Peter has today of a meeting.
043 Peter has just woken up to a meeting at Telefomin and it was a bright sunny day. Peter is in off-duty dress ( no belt or beret). The local is wearing a koteka, or penis gourd and carrying his string bag or bilum.
044 A section of Peter’s patrol to Teleformin, posing at one of the Administration buildings.
045 Villagers assembled at the Teleformin Admin Post for a meeting with the Kiap. The post had been opened in 1948. The memorial plinth is for two Kiaps and two police killed in 1953. Thirty villages were arrested and given a ten-year sentence. Their motive was never established.
046 View out of the open back doors of a Caribou, 100 metres above the waves flying westward towards Vanimo. Sissano Lagoon is visible on the left.
047 Pagei Administration Post, school and landing strip 1966. (Photo, Trevor Freestone).
048 Army survey map of 1966 showing route of Max’s four-week patrol, 19.11.1966 to 19.12.1966. The heavy black line was the route taken. The Indonesian border is along the left margin of the map.
049 Laurie and Lt Peter Radcliffe with a fish bought from a passing lakatoi at Vanimo.
050 The beach front and Mess at Vanimo, taken from a visiting LSM, run up on the beach.
051 Map of Vanimo (Source: Map sent home by Max to his parents. 1966)
052 Vanimo parade ground on the disused grass airstrip (set up for movie nights).
053 Peter (left) and John (middle) taking a lakatoi across the bay to Wirow Mission. Most lakatoi in TPNG by this time were driven by outboard motors.
054 Peter, Bishop Pascal Sweeney (John’s uncle), John and Bob posing outside the new church at Wirowi Catholic Mission, Vanimo, 1967.
055 AFL in Wewak 1967. Sgt Bob Wrigley goal umpiring, TPNG style!!!
056 Peter Suna on Bob Wriggley’s Honda at Brandi v Army AFL game.
057 Max inspecting a Japanese WW11 memorial near Matupi Volcano, during a trip to an AFL carnival at Rabaul in 1967.
058 The Port Moresby Post-Courier report on the Madang- Wewak game in 1967. Max as Wewak’s Coach thanking the losing opposition.
059 Cover of a pamphlet prepared by Bob Wriggley for the Wewak AFL Grand Final. 1967.
060 Wewak peninsular, 1966. The swamps in the foreground have now been filled in. The main street still runs from left to right along the base of the hill.
061 Peter with a WW11 Japanese landing barge, at the eastern end of the main street. Wewak 1966.
062 ANSETT-MAL flight into Telefomin. The flight path out was through the cloud-shrouded mountains.
063 The “little Red Renault”, 1968. *. Rick with his Little Red Renault, 1967 (Sgt Carl Waldhauser’s VW in background).* Photo is missing, another Renault in the street.
064 Rick with a lakatoi (double outriggers, north coast. West Sepik design), 1966.
065 On the deck of HMAS Anzac during a visit to Wewak 1967. From left; Bob, Max,John,unknown crew member, Peter.
066 Moem Barracks showing new buildings to be opened that year. Source: A map sent home by Max to his parents, October 1967.
067 Reunion. Manly beach NSW, 1970; John, Sandra, Max, Peter, Bob, Lorellyn Margy. Photo by Laurie Bowman.
068 Reunion 1998. The effigy was for Rick who was unable to attend. On the far right is Zoltan, the seventh Nasho Chalkie at Moem in 1966, who joined this reunion.
069 L to R; Max, Pete, Rick, Bob, Laurie and kneeling, John at the TPNG Nasho Chalkies Reunion, Port Stephens, NSW, 2016.
070 Bob Mason’s Discharge certificate, Feb 1968.
071 Certificate of Discharge. (reverse side)
072 Letter from Army Directorate of Education, Sept 1967.
073 Letter from Minister of Veterans Affairs, ND
074 Moem Area Sports Notices, 25 Sep 1967, 2PIR Moem Barracks (Edited by Max).