Photos of Taurama, Port Moresby and Tami Islands

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This gallery of photos was taken by Sgt. Graham Leader while he was stationed at Taurama Barracks in 1970-71.

Brown River
Brown River

Brown River
Brown River

Brown River
Brown River

Brown River
Brown River

Brown River
Brown River

Brown River
Brown River

Bomana Cemetery
Bomana Cemetery

McDonalds Corner
McDonalds Corner

Koki Markets
Koki Markets

Koki Markets
Koki Markets

Koki Markets
Koki Markets

Near Port Moresby
Near Port Moresby

Port Moresby
Port Moresby

Port Moresby
Port Moresby

Port Moresby
Port Moresby

Port Moresby
Port Moresby

Port Moresby Harbour
Port Moresby Harbour

Port Moresby
Port Moresby

View of Port Moresby
View of Port Moresby

 Village near Port Moresby
Village near Port Moresby

 Village near Port Moresby
Village near Port Moresby


Locally carver crocodile
Locally carver crocodile

Tropical storm
Tropical storm

Typical car in TPNG
Typical car in TPNG

Company lines at Taurama Barracks
Company lines at Taurama Barracks

Taurama Sgts' Mess
Taurama Sgts’ Mess

Sound equipment
Sound equipment

Inside married quarters at Taurama
Inside married quarters at Taurama

Pool Area
Pool Area

Pool Area
Pool Area

Taurama Pool
Taurama Pool

Hills behind Taurama
Hills behind Taurama

Taurama Beach
Taurama Beach

View behind Taurama Barracks
View behind Taurama Barracks

 View from behind Taurama Barracks
View from behind Taurama Barracks

Sing Sing
Sing Sing

Sing Sing
Sing Sing

Sing Sing
Sing Sing

Sing Sing
Sing Sing

Taurama Primary School kids
Taurama Primary School kids 1970-71

Taurama Primary School kids
Taurama Primary School kids 1970-71

Taurama Primary School kids
Taurama Primary School kids 1970-71

Taurama Primary School kids
Taurama Primary School kids 1970-71

Taurama Primary School kids
Taurama Primary School kids 1970-71

Taurama Primary School kids
Taurama Primary School kids 1970-71

Sgt Leader 1971
Sgt Leader 1971

Sgt Leader 1971
Sgt Leader 1971

Sgt Leader as BOS
Sgt Leader as BOS

L to R Merlyn Leader, Sgt John Moore, Sgt Wayne Wallace
L to R Merlyn Leader, Sgt John Moore, Sgt Wayne Wallace

Sgts Wayne Wallace, John Moore, Ray Bassett, Graham Leader
Sgts Wayne Wallace, John Moore, Ray Bassett, Graham Leader

On Patrol
On Patrol
Tami Islands are situated in the Huon Gulf near Lae.

Rain forest near Lae
Rain forest near Lae

Tami Island
Tami Island

Tami Island
Tami Island

Tami Island
Tami Island

Turtle hunt at Tami island
Turtle hunt at Tami island

Turtle hunt at Tami island
Turtle hunt at Tami island

Tami Islander
Tami Islander

Tami Islanders
Tami Islanders
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  1. Lived in Port Moresby after going there in 1957 with my parents and I was 9yrs old. Later when I was 16 I met my later to be husband. He worked for the Commonwealth Department of Works (CDW) and I worked for the Papuan Medical College, we had one child a daughter, we left Moresby at the end of 1974 to come back to Oz but found it hard to settle here for a while as the life was so different to what we had been used to in PNG.

  2. I grew up there from 80 – 92 and its very interesting to see how Taurama barracks looked like in the 70s. Interesting to note that a decade before my time it looked nothing like my time.

  3. how cool, we lived here 71/74 went to the public school, brings back such warm memories . it set me up for the best life that i never imagined , being the majority in there schools and coming into a new culture that was about family and community …. so soul filling forever grateful PNG i grew my wings while i had the honour to have had this experience , sing sing . food music flower happy hearts . so so so blessed

  4. I am from Tami Island and am so amazed at seeing the two great canoes (double masts) that once traversed the waters of Huron
    Gulf and The Vitiaz Straight. They were the ‘Anzanec’ left and ‘Bukwalawizing’ right. And also the three ‘tagos’ the tumbuans, one of them is not seen anymore. Must have been sold.
    Otherwise the photos that showed the beauty of Port Moresby in the early 70s, will never be the same again. I was in a Primary ‘T’ School around this time.
    Thank you for keeping the good old memories,



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